At some point, a friend of mine – who had an extremely big closet as well – offered me to swap some clothes with her. I really liked the idea and we started doing it.

There were clothes that she didn’t enjoy anymore but I totally fell in love with and vise versa. Such a pleasure to see how different perceptions can be based on our individual tastes.

Mauris tempus erat laoreet turpis lobortis, eu tincidunt erat fermentum. Aliquam non tincidunt urna. Integer tincidunt nec nisl vitae ullamcorper. Proin sed ultrices erat. Praesent varius ultrices massa at faucibus. Aenean dignissim, orci sed faucibus pharetra, dui mi dignissim tortor, sit amet condimentum mi ligula sit amet augue. Pellentesque vitae eros eget enim mollis placerat.

I realized it has an unethical production model that I completely reject. Yet I never dared to move a step forward and change the way I consume. I guess I did not because of convenience, lack of knowledge or both.

We swapped from time to time and I started wearing her clothes with such an appreciation and connection. The secret around this: It’s less about where you bought a piece or how much you spent on it, it’s about the feeling you’re having when you’re wearing it, right? Because you radiate this feeling of appreciation and contentment and others feel drawn towards it.

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